Model Aggregation for Medium-Term Prediction of Oil Reservoir Production
Published in Rio Oil and Gas Expo and Conference, 2022
In this study, we propose to forecast medium-term reservoir production without model calibration. We combine the data of multiple pre-existent models. A weight is then associated with each model regarding its relevance in forecasting production for the next time step. An optimization algorithm that minimizes a function based on the error of the projection of oil and water production in relation to the real reservoir data is considered for the computation of the weights.
Recommended citation: Bessa, Rafael & Limaverde Filho, José & Pimenta, Bráulio & Fortaleza, Eugenio & Munerato, Fernando & Soares de Melo Filho, Leonildes. (2022). Agregação de modelos para prever a produção de reservatórios de petróleo a médio prazo. Rio Oil and Gas Expo and Conference. 22. 36-37. 10.48072/2525-7579.rog.2022.036.
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